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Your Trusted Business Transformation Partner

Enabling our clients to transform and optimise their HR, Payroll, Finance and Procurement services, delivering long- term benefits and change.
Veran LOGO

Your Trusted Business Transformation Partner

Enabling our clients to transform and optimise their HR, Payroll, Finance and Procurement services, delivering long-term benefits and change

Veran Logo Hexagons Transparent Version
Veran Logo Hexagons Transparent Version

Your Trusted Business Transformation Partner

Enabling our clients to transform and optimise their HR, Payroll, Finance and Procurement services, delivering long- term benefits and change.

Our Services 

Case for Change

Aligning colleagues around your options to invest, delivering an initial business case with costs, benefits and a recommended roadmap for transformation.


Supplementing your project team with expertise and experienced individuals during the implementation phase, upskilling your colleagues and holding delivery partners to account.

Phase Zero

Guiding you to complete the activities and decisions needed to select and procure technology partners, deliver a full business case and prepare your team for implementation.


Improving the user experience and efficiency of your HR, Finance, Procurement and Payroll services by optimising your technology platforms, processes, policies and organisational design.

veran team
Veran  TEAM


For organisations looking to use ServiceNow to improve how end users experience the way in which HR and Finance are delivered to their business and improve productivity, Veran helps you to procure, design and deploy ServiceNow in tandem with other strategies and solutions.

Your Trusted Business Transformation Partner

Enabling our clients to transform and optimise their HR, Payroll, Finance and Procurement services

Veran LOGO

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Veran  TEAM

Our mission is to help you deliver visible benefits to your business and colleagues

We are proud to be one of the UK's largest independent HR, Payroll, Finance and Procurement transformation advisory consultancies, helping clients in all sectors to get better outcomes from investment being made in transformation.

Veran  TEAM

Our mission is to help you deliver visible benefits to your business and colleagues.

We are proud to be one of the UK's largest independent HR, Payroll, Finance & Procurement transformation advisory consultancies, helping clients in all sectors to get better outcomes from investment being made in transformation.


Achilles UVDB Stamp Silver Plus
Government procurement
AwardIcon HR Distinction
BCA square winner
Veran team

Our People

Our collaborative, professional and fun style of working is what our clients say they love most ... as well as our drive to consistently deliver on our promises. Our core values are at the heart of how we work.

Our Values

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Our values 

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In it together 


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Trust and respect

Why Choose Us?

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Rev Counter 

" Specifically, I would reference your assistance, flexibility, diligence, tenacity and willingness to “muck in” along with unending patience that I have been grateful for. ”
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Shauna O'Handley 

" Our collaboration with Veran has illuminated a fundamental truth: while great technology undoubtedly enhances our capabilities, true success in HR stems from nurturing meaningful connections and experiences for our people." 
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Tony Brown

" With Veran’s expertise and knowledge of Workday implementation we successfully made a big leap forward and created a platform for increased contribution of the function to the firm’s strategy."
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Hazel Hendley

" Their consultants have expert knowledge in HR from a holistic perspective which was vital to us as we didn't just want to implement new technology but bring about transformation of culture and behaviours." 
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